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Activities of the WPSA Turkish Branch

After its establishment one of the first important events of the association was the “International Poultry Congress” that was held in Ankara in 1982. This congress lasted four days and many renowned international scientists took part. Following the congress a “Poultry Week” was organised where the congress participants went on technical visits.


A report on issues relating to poultry was prepared and presented to then President Kenan Evren, Prime Minister Turgut Özal and Minister of Agriculture Prof. Dr. Sabahattin Özbek. This report was presented to the President and Prime Minister by a group of members of our association and received a lot of attention.


The days following this report a “Poultry Summit” was held under the auspices of the Deputy Prime Minister Kaya Erdem to discuss important problems and solutions pertaining to poultry. Along with our members many important Ministry and government officials also participated.


During this period the president of the association Prof. Dr. Rüveyde Akbay was selected to the Small Domestic Animals Advisory Group of the Ministry of State for Economics.


In order to increase the consumption of poultry meat among the Turkish population an agreement was made between our association, Eskişehir Anadolu University Department of Radio-Television and the Publicity Office of the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT). An eight-week long programme was aired once a week where well-known personalities prepared various poultry and egg dishes. This programme proved extremely popular and resulted in a marked increase in the consumption of poultry and egg products.


To educate and guide future specialists in the poultry sector, scholarships were granted to many diligent students in the Agricultural and Veterinary Medicine faculties. These students prepared seminars on important subjects in poultry science, which helped them to gain an insight into the subject and boost their public speaking skills. These youths have reached many important positions in the poultry sector today.


Due to some disruption in the consumption and exports of eggs an increase in the stock of eggs took place. Our association was instrumental in reducing the excess of stocks with the support of the Ministries of Education and Defence. These ministries bought the excess stocks from the producers. The eggs were given to primary school students during feeding time and to conscripts at breakfast. This helped many poultry producers from likely bankruptcy and encouraged the habit of eating eggs among the youth.


Each alternating year, national and international congresses and symposia were held in Ankara and Istanbul. These meetings gathered a lot of interest and notable visits by high dignitaries such as the President of Turkey and Ministers. All conference proceedings were published both in Turkish and English and made available to our members.


Since 1984, the World’s Poultry Congresses and Exhibitions have been regularly attended by our members and its proceedings have been translated into Turkish.


Many regional meetings in areas of heavy poultry production were held to highlight the problems of the poultry producers. The cooperation begun with the Başmakçı and Tavşanlı Poultry Cooperatives is still going strong.


22. World’s Poultry Congress was held in Istanbul from 8-13 June, 2004


There were more than 1600 delegates from 89 countries. The scientific programme of the 22. World’s Poultry Congress was comprised of various disciplines with specific topics. Each session included invited speakers and oral and poster presentations.

The Scientific Committee also created a short oral summary-presentation opportunity for selected posters. This gave a unique opportunity for some of the delegates, whose abstracts were accepted as poster, to orally present their findings. The program also provided ample time for discussion and poster viewing.


Two plenary sessions were planned for the Congress: Plenary Session I, was on "Global Challenges and Benefits Related to Poultry Research and Development in The Third World" and Plenary Session II was on "Poultry Production Under Diminishing Availability of Pharmaceuticals.


A total of 833 full texts were received. There were 94 invited speakers, 174 oral presentations, 141 poster 5 minutes presentations and 424 poster presentations on the programme.


Youth Programme


53 applications were received and all were selected for the “Youth Programme”. This programme gave an opportunity for the young scientists to attend the 22. World’s Poultry Congress. In addition to the Congress, the Youth Programme also involved a 4-day post Congress excursion tour to Bolu province, which is the most intensive poultry production area in Turkey. Except the travel costs, all expenses of the students were paid by the Congress secretariat.


The events held in the last years can be summarised as follows:


LAVİTA Information Meeting, 18 December 2006, Istanbul
This informational meeting was organised by a member of our board Mr. Gülbenk Yalçın in Istanbul. The current situation of Turkish poultry and the latest developments in poultry nutrition in Turkey and the world were presented.


Avian Influenza Symposium, 15-16 February 2007, Istanbul
The WPSA Turkish Branch organised a two-day symposium on Avian Influenza (AI) on February 15-16, 2007 in Istanbul, Turkey. The conference examined the worldwide situation regarding Avian Influenza infections in poultry. This conference brought together officials and members of the poultry sector to assess the current situation as well as the technical needs for avian and human influenza control and prevention.
Dr. Lance Jennings a renowned Virologist from the Canterbury Health Laboratories in New Zealand was the key invited speaker. This meeting was jointly organised with the “Healthy Chicken Meat Platform”.


Adaptation process of the Turkish Poultry Sector to the European Union, 15-17 November 2007, Izmir
Our association organised a symposium on the “Adaptation process of the Turkish Poultry Sector to the European Union” in cooperation with the Aegean University, Department of Animal Science. The symposium covered 6 sessions on various topics relating to Poultry and the EU accession process.


Current Issues in Poultry Nutrition Seminar, 2 May 2008, Istanbul
A seminar on “Current Issues in Poultry Nutrition” was given on May 2, 2008 by Prof. Dr. Steve Leeson, who is renowned in the field of poultry nutrition. The seminar focused mainly on nutrition of broiler breeders and broilers.


The Current Situation and Problems of Turkish Poultry, 12 November 2008, Ankara
The Turkish Branch of WPSA organised a national poultry symposium in Ankara on 12 November 2008. This meeting dealt with the issues and problems facing Turkish poultry, such as the adaptation process to the European Union and the present state of the Avian Influenza epidemic.


The Return of the Good Egg Symposium, 26–28 November 2008, Istanbul

The symposium centred on the nutritional value of eggs, egg quality, and production systems including housing, management and nutrition. Leading researchers in the field shared their research findings on egg-related topics.
The most renowned scientists in this field were present as invited speakers, such as Prof. Dr. Donald J. McNamara, the Executive Director of the Egg Nutrition Center, Prof. Dr. Peter Surai and Prof. Dr. J. M. Guillaumin from Alltech and Prof. Dr. Yves Nys and Prof. Dr. Joël Gautron from INRA.
A press conference was held on 27 November 2008 to inform members of the press and the general public about eggs and the cholesterol issue.


2nd Mediterranean Summit of WPSA, 4–7 October 2009, Antalya

The 2nd Mediterranean Summit of WPSA was hosted by the WPSA Turkish Branch and the Mediterranean Network of WPSA of Working Group 11 (Education and Information) of the European Federation of WPSA in Antalya, Turkey from 4-7 October 2009. This summit focused on the main issues currently related to poultry research and production in the Mediterranean countries. There was extensive media coverage regarding this event. It was decided that the next summit will be held in Egypt.


World Egg Day Celebration, 9 October 2009, Istanbul
The 2nd World Egg Day was celebrated with several activities held near the Cevahir Shopping Centre. There was a large media interest and Prof. Dr. Bingür Sönmez and Branch president Prof. Dr. Rüveyde Akbay informed the general public about the benefits of egg consumption and that it doesn’t constitute any risk for cardiovascular diseases. Within the scope of the activities, eggs were handed out to passersby with the slogan “One Egg a Day Keeps the Doctor Away!” along with pins and leaflets extolling the health benefits of egg consumption as a rich source of vitamins and minerals.


Healthy Living and Eggs Symposium, 4 December 2009, Elazığ

On 4 December 2009 a symposium was held on “Healthy Living and Eggs” in cooperation with the Veterinary Faculty of Elazığ Fırat University. Branch president Prof. Dr. Rüveyde Akbay, Prof. Dr. Bingür Sönmez and Prof. Dr. Şakir Doğan Tuncer presented papers.


National Poultry Congress 2010, 7–9 October 2010, Kayseri

The WPSA Turkish Branch organised the National Poultry Congress between 7–9 October 2010 together with the Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Science of Kayseri Erciyes University. On 9 October the World Egg Day was celebrated with the support of Kaytaş Company.


18th European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition, 31 October – 4 November 2011, in Çeşme, Izmir

Our branch hosted the 18th European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition between 31 October – 4 November 2011, in Çeşme, Izmir. This symposium was organised with the support of the Working Group 2 of the European Federation. A record number of 878 individuals from 56 countries took part in the symposium.


National Poultry Congress 2012,  3-5 October 2012, Izmir

Our branch in cooperation with the Faculty of Agriculture at Ege University held the National Poultry Congress between 3-5 October 2012 in Izmir These national meetings are organised together with the relevant departments of universities once every two years. Many participants took part in the congress, which received extensive media coverage.


The International Conference on Advancements in Poultry in the Middle East and African States, 21-25 October 2013

WPSA’s Branches in Kuwait and Turkey initiated the idea of conducting an international congress that would be organized and jointly hosted by the two branches, and by the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR). The International Congress on Advancements in Poultry Production in the Middle East and African States was successfully held in Antalya-Turkey during October 21-25, 2013. And, it provided information on a number of the topics related to poultry production and marketing, as well as for building up and strengthening professional relationships in the Mediterranean region. It was an excellent gathering where world-renowned scientists shared their knowledge, and discussed major issues related to future research, as well as on strategies for the further development and expansion of poultry production in the Middle East and northern African countries.


National Poultry Congress 2014, 9-11 October 2014, Elazığ

The National Poultry Congress was held in Elazığ between 9-11 October 2014, and it was organised by our branch together with the Fırat University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, the Turkish Poultry Research Institute and the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK). It was a very successful meeting which included the participation of WPSA Secretary Dr. Roel Mulder, WPSA Vice President Prof. Dr. Sacit (Sarge) Bilgili, Past President of WVPA Prof. Dr. H. Mohammed Hafez, Prof. Dr. Michael P. Lacy, Head of the Department of Poultry Science in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Georgia, Prof. Dr. Michael O. Smith from the Department of Animal Science in the Institute of Agriculture, University of Tennessee, Dr. Nan-Dirk Mulder, Director Commodities Feed and Animal Protein at Rabobank and other renowned scientists from Turkey and all over the world.


The Potential for Poultry Production in Developing Countries Congress, 15-18 October 2015, Antalya, Belek

The Congress on: ‘The Potential for Poultry Production in Developing Countries,’ that the Turkey and Russian branches jointly organised in the Antalya, Belek Spice Hotel & Spa between 15-18 October 2015 was a complete success.


On the first day of the congress, a panel titled "WPSA and its contributions to international poultry production" was chaired by the former president of the World Veterinary Poultry Association (WVPA) Prof. Dr. H. Mohamed Hafez, where the WPSA President Prof. Dr. Edir da Silva, speakers from Russia and Benin gave presentations. The opening ceremony was held on the same day and was followed by a reception.





















The scientific programme started on 16 October and continued all through an intensive two-day period.


One of the main objectives of WPSA is to create a scientific and a social network that spans all 79 branches from across the world. This congress was in line with the spirit of the WPSA to bring poultry scientists and representatives from the world-wide poultry industry together.


The theme of the congress, the untapped potential of poultry production in many developing countries, which is so crucial for the expansion of this vital health food source in all emerging countries, was thoroughly examined.





















Another objective of the congress was to contribute to the expanding economic and commercial relations between Turkey and the Russian Federation in the area of poultry science and this objective has largely been achieved.


To accomplish this goal, a round table meeting between representatives of the poultry sector as well as representatives of relevant ministries from Turkey and Russia was held during the congress.





















292 scientists participated in the congress. A total of 113 scientific papers were submitted to the congress and these included 16 invited speakers, 21 oral presentations and 76 poster presentations. The distinguished scientists who have submitted papers come from 27 countries: Afghanistan, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belgium, Botswana, Brazil, Croatia, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Togo, Turkey, the United Kingdom and Vietnam.


The presence of WPSA President Prof. Dr. Edir da Silva and many branch presidents from around the world added prestige and significance to our meeting. Participating scientists, many of whom are renowned in their fields, presented engaging papers on the following topics:  Environment and management, Poultry production systems, Nutrition, feedstuffs and metabolism, Feed supplements as antimicrobials, Hygiene and biosecurity, Health and disease, National policies and market demands, Product quality, processing  and safety, Poultry production and sustainability, Reproduction and incubation.


The most interesting aspect of the congress was the “Round Table Meeting” held in a separate parallel session. The presidents of the WPSA Turkish and Russian branches, Prof. Dr. Rüveyde Akbay and Prof. Dr. Vladimir Fisinin chaired this important meeting which saw the participation of key players in bilateral trade relations like ministry officials and industry representatives from the Russian Federation and senior officials from the Turkish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock and Ministry of Economy. Other representatives from various poultry-related associations included Turkish Poultry, Poultry Meat Producers and Breeders Association (Besd-Bir), Turkish Feed Manufacturers' Association (Türkiyem-Bir), Turkish Egg Producers’ Association (Yum-Bir), International Chamber of Commerce Turkish National Committee, and industry representatives from companies like Kutlusan, Banvit, Keskinoğlu, Beypi, Phibro, Has Tavuk, Mudurnu Piliç, Cuddy Farms Anatolia, Emre Tavukçuluk, Gedik Tavukçuluk, Şen Piliç, Ege-Tav, Yemtar, Evonik, Novus, Trouw Nutrition, Aviagen, Elanco, Framelco, Ceva Hayvan Sağlığı, Promar Gıda, Refarm and Nutriline.


In this meeting, general information on topics such as production, consumption, imports and exports in the two countries was presented and afterwards proposals and requests related to the development of trade relations were raised.




















On the last day of the Congress, a gala dinner was held with live music and various entertainment programmes and commemorative plaques were presented to individuals and organisations that contributed to the Congress.

During the closing of the congress, participants expressed their hope and desire to come together at another meeting.

National Poultry Congress 2016, 5-8 October 2016, Samsun

The National Poultry Congress was held in the port city of Samsun on the Turkish Black Sea coast and hosted by Samsun Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMÜ) with the support of WPSA Turkish Branch and Poultry Research Institute between 5-8 October 2016.





















Honorary President of the World Veterinary Poultry Association (WVPA) Prof. Dr. H. Mohamed Hafez and renowned cardiovascular sugeon Prof. Dr. Bingür Sönmez were guest speakers.

Academicians and researchers from various universities and institutes, participants from Turkey's public institutions and industry representatives took part in the congress.

Over thirty scientists and subject experts in eight sessions presented papers on topics such as Poultry diseases and biosecurity, Lay and broiler breeding research in our country, production techniques, diet and new feeding recommendations, free range poultry and organic egg production, effects and control of poultry parasites, Contribution of ventilation techniques applied in coops to production and animal welfare, Effects of poultry products on human health.


At the congress, current problems in poultry production, future expectations, product quality and environmental problems were discussed and solutions were presented.




























WPSA Branch President Prof. Dr. Rüveyde Akbay and Prof. Dr. H. Mohamed Hafez



















Head of the Cardiovascular Surgery Department at Istanbul Memorial Hospital Prof. Dr. Bingür Sönmez


National Poultry Congress 2018, 9-12 May 2018, Niğde

The “International Poultry Science Congress of WPSA Turkish Branch 2018” was successfully held in Niğde during 9-12 May 2018 in cooperation with Ömer Halisdemir University Ayhan Şahenk Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technologies.















Scientists from 17 countries (Algeria, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Croatia, France, Germany, Iran, Iraq, Italy, The Netherlands, Pakistan, Russia, South Africa, Tunisia, Turkey, and the United Kingdom) participated in the meeting with scientific papers. Around 300 participants took part in the Congress.





Following the first day's opening programme, where WPSA Secretary General Dr Roel Mulder made some opening remarks, 53 oral presentations and 155 poster presentations were made during the next two days.



















Poultry production and products related to the new technologies and developments in the agenda to provide information on these issues to provide information exchange between countries, and in particular to contribute to the poultry in the region was the main purpose of our congress. At the congress, famous scientists, public and private sector representatives from different countries and universities came together to exchange information.










































Egg & Meat 2019

The Symposium on Poultry Meat Quality and Egg Quality of the World’s Scientific Poultry Association (WPSA) European Federation, briefly called “Egg & Meat 2019”, was hosted by the Turkish branch of the Association. The symposia held at Radisson Blu Hotel in Çeşme between 23-26 June 2019 brought together many people related to the sector from Turkey and abroad.


The ​24th European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat and the 18th European Symposium on the Quality of Eggs and Egg Products was opened on 23 June with the speeches by WPSA European Federation President Prof. Dr. Estella Prukner-Radovčić, WPSA Turkish Branch President Prof. Dr. Rüveyde Akbay, renowned cardiovascular surgeon Prof. Dr. Bingür Sönmez, Rector of Ege University Prof. Dr. Necdet Budak and İzmir Deputy Governor Mustafa Yıldız.


There were six sessions and one plenary session in each symposium; a total of 12 sessions and two plenary sessions in both symposiums.


Prof. Dr. Rüveyde Akbay stated that the symposium will create a platform where scientific and technical achievements in these fields can be transferred to practice and where participants can share and discuss their views with their colleagues by having the opportunity to be informed about the latest developments.


Around 300 scientists and industry representatives from 33 countries including Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, Croatia, Czechia, France, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, India, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Russia, Taiwan, Turkey, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and the USA participated in the symposia.

International Poultry Congress 2024, 8-11 May 2024, Bursa

Our branch has successfully organised the International Poultry Congress 2024 between 8-11 May 2024 in Bursa in cooperation with Uludağ University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Science.


















The executive board of the World’s Poultry Science Association provided high level participation to our congress. WPSA President Prof. Dr. Michèle Tixier-Boichard and the President of the WPSA European Federation Prof. Dr. Estella Pruckner-Radovčić made inaugural addresses during the opening ceremony and each chaired a scientific session. Prof. Dr. Michèle Tixier-Boichard and WPSA Secretary General Ir. Peter van Horne also presented papers as invited speakers.



















There were 344 participants in the congress. The number of papers in the scientific programme was 81, of which 46 were oral presentations and 35 were poster presentations. International interest in the congress was quite high. A total of 24 scientific presentations, including invited speakers, oral presentations and posters from 12 countries were present in the congress.

In addition to our local sectoral press, AviNews, an important international media platform that publishes news and publications about the poultry sector, followed the congress.


Please click here to download the Book of Proceedings: International Poultry Congress Bursa 2024 Congress Book

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