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Charter of the WPSA Turkish Branch


Section I

Name and Headquarters of the Association

Article 1 – The name of the Association is the Scientific Poultry Association.

Its headquarters is in Ankara.


Article 2 - To contribute to achieving the highest levels of poultry production in our country, which has grown at rapid pace

To achieve this aim:

  1. To announce the latest innovations made in the world and in Israel to producers and consumers and other people working in various branches of poultry through publications and meetings.

  2. To make recommendations to ensure close cooperation and coordination of research on poultry by the relevant departments of faculties and various research institutions.

  3. To exchange information by organising meetings such as courses, seminars, symposiums, open sessions, to raise the level of knowledge in poultry.

  4. To take initiatives to train technical staff at various levels of knowledge about poultry.

  5. To contribute to the establishment of cooperation and solidarity between private enterprises and with official institutions and to the solution of various problems.

  6. To organise research and inspection trips and meetings in Turkey and abroad when necessary.



Article 3 - The association has been established by 7 members whose names, professions and addresses are stated below.


  1. Prof. Dr. Cemalettin Akpınar

Address (Business): Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Small Pets Rearing and Breeding Chair – Ankara

Home: Çamlık Mah. Bahadırlar Sok. No: 16 Kurtuluş – Ankara

Nationality: Turkish


  1. Prof. Dr. Besim Gürocak

Address (Business): Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Food and Animal Nutrition – Ankara

Home: Güvenevler, Gülden Sok. No: 4/9

Nationality: Turkish


  1. Prof. Dr. Metin Yeldan

Address (Business): Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Food and Animal Nutrition – Ankara

Home: Barbaros Mah. Bülten Sok. No: 48/7 Kavaklıdere – Ankara

Nationality: Turkish


  1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rüveyde Akbay

Address (Business): Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Small Pets Rearing and Breeding – Ankara

Home: Y. Ayrancı Hoşdere Cad. 23/17 Ankara

Nationality: Turkish


  1. Dr. Avni Başdoğan

Address (Business): Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Small Pets Rearing and Breeding – Ankara

Home: Kavaklıdere Büklüm Sok. Funda Apt. No: 92/9 Ankara

Nationality: Turkish


  1. Assistant Mesut Türkoğlu

Address (Business): Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Small Pets Rearing and Breeding – Ankara

Home: Güvenevler, Güvenevler Cd. 69/2 Ankara

Nationality: Turkish


  1. Agricultural Engineer (MSc) Ali Çetin Fıratlı

Address (Business): T.C. Ziraat Bank General Directorate – Ankara

Home: Çankaya Atatürk Bul. 255/33 B Ankara

Nationality: Turkish

Section II

Membership Requirements

Article 4 - Persons qualified to exercise their civil rights, who are above the age of eighteen and possess the qualifications specified in Article 5 may become members of the association.

Those who lack the right to form an association cannot become a member of the association.


In order for foreigners to become members of the association, they must be resident in Turkey in addition to the conditions required for Turkish citizens. Residence conditions are not required for honorary membership.


Types of Membership


Article 5 - The association consists of three types of members who meet the general conditions:

  1. Individual Member: Poultry breeders and people from the Faculty of Agriculture or Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

  2. Corporate Member: Commercial companies, co-operatives and foundations involved in poultry farming.

  3. Honorary Member: Official institutions, local or foreign individuals or corporate entities that cannot become a member of the above-mentioned type but who support the association in their activities, provide financial aid, contribute to improvement in poultry breeding and contribute to their activities may be elected to honorary membership by the decision of the board of directors.


Acquisition of Membership

Article 6 - Acquisition of membership of the type specified in Article 5: It can be realised with the recommendation of at least two former members and the decision of the board.


Membership Rights

Article 7

  • No one shall be compelled to become a member or to remain a member of the association.

  • Every member has the right to resign.

  • Each member has one vote in the General Assembly.

  • The member must use their vote in person.

  • Corporate members of the Association are represented by the person authorised by the corporate member

  • Members of the Association have equal rights.


Withdrawal from Membership

Article 8 - Withdrawal from membership can be done by exercising the right of withdrawal.

Members who do not meet the conditions specified in this charter, who do not comply with the purpose of the association, engage in activities that is detrimental to the association and who do not comply with the decisions taken are removed by the decision of the board of directors. Those who are removed from membership may appeal at the first General Assembly. The decision of the General Assembly is final.


Section III Bodies of the Association

  1. General Assembly:


Article 9 - The General Assembly consists of the individual members of the Association and the representatives of corporate members.

  1. The General Assembly convenes once every three years in January with the invitation of the Board of Directors.

  2. If the Board of Directors or Supervisory Board deems necessary, or at the request of one-fifth of the members, it may convene an extraordinary meeting.

If the Board of Directors does not call the General Assembly to a meeting within one month upon the request of the Supervisory Board or one-fifth of the members, the procedure shall be carried out pursuant with Article 84 of the Turkish Civil Code No. 4721.



Article 10

The Board of Directors prepares the list of members entitled to attend the General Assembly in accordance with the charter of the association. The members entitled to attend the General Assembly are invited to the meeting by the Board of Directors at least 15 days in advance with an announcement of the date, time, place and agenda in a newspaper or by notifying the members in writing or by electronic mail. If a meeting cannot be held due to the lack of a majority in this call, the day of the second meeting shall be indicated. The period between the first meeting and the second meeting cannot be less than seven days and more than sixty days. If the meeting is postponed for any other reason other than a lack of majority, this is announced to the members in accordance with the call procedure for the first meeting, including the reasons for the postponement.

The second meeting must be held no later than six months after the date of postponement. The members are called to the second meeting according to the principles set out in the first paragraph.

The General Assembly meeting cannot be postponed more than once.

Meeting Place and Time

Article 11 - General Assembly meetings cannot be held anywhere other than where the headquarters of the association is located.


Meeting and Decision Quorum

Article 12

  1. The quorum is convened with the participation of more than half of the members of the general assembly. If the quorum is not reached in the first meeting, a majority is not sought in the second meeting. However, the number of members attending this second meeting cannot not be less than twice the total number of members of the management and supervisory boards.

  2. In order for the General Assembly to decide on the dissolution of the association, at least two-thirds of the members must be present at the meeting. If this majority is not achieved at the first meeting, the issue of dissolution can be discussed at the second meeting regardless of the number of members.


  1. Decisions are taken by the majority of votes of the assembled members.


The decision regarding the dissolution of the Association must be made by a two-thirds majority of the members present at the meeting.


Management of the Meeting

Article 13

The General Assembly meetings of the Association shall be held on the day, place and time specified in the announcement. The members who will attend the General Assembly enter the meeting hall by putting their signatures beside their names in the list arranged by the Board of Directors. If the quorum specified in Article 12 is met, the situation is recorded in minutes and the meeting is opened by the chairman of the Board of Directors or one of the members of the Board of Directors to be appointed by him. After the opening, a chairman and at least one deputy chairman and a clerk are elected to lead the meeting. The clerks draw up the minutes of the meeting and sign it with the chairman. At the end of the meeting, all minutes and documents are submitted to the Board of Directors. The chairman of the board is responsible for maintaining these documents and delivering them to the newly elected board within seven days.


Unless otherwise decided by the General Assembly, the election of the members of the board of directors and the supervisory board shall be cast by secret ballot and decisions on other matters shall be voted on openly. Secret ballots are the votes that are collected by throwing the papers or ballots stamped by the chairman of the meeting into a hollow container after being made by the members and determined by open casting after the end of voting. In the open ballot, the method specified by the chairman of the General Assembly shall be applied.


Each member has one vote in the General Assembly. The member must cast their vote in person.


Topics to be Discussed

Article 14

Only the items on the agenda are discussed at the General Assembly. However, the issues that are requested to be discussed by at least one tenth of the members present at the meeting must be put on the agenda.


Duties and Powers of the General Assembly

Article 15 - The issues to be discussed and resolved by the General Assembly are as follows:

  1. Selection of the organs of the association.

  2. Amending the statutes of the association.

  3. Discussion of the reports of the Management and Supervisory Boards. Exoneration of the administration.

  4. Discussing the budget prepared by the Board of Directors and accepting it as it is or with modifications.

  5. Joining or leaving the federation.

  6. The participation of the Association in international studies, cooperation with associations or organisations abroad, joining or leaving them as members.

  7. Dissolution of the association.

  8. The appeal of the removed members is discussed and decided upon.

  9. To perform the duties that are imposed by these statutes and laws.


II Board of Directors

Article 16

The Board of Directors is elected by the General Assembly for three years and consists of seven principal members and seven substitute members. In the event of a vacancy of a principal member, the substitute member must be called to duty. In the first meeting, the Board of Directors elects the chairman, vice-president, secretary and treasurer among themselves.

The Board of Directors conducts the following:

  1. To represent the association or give authority to one or more of its members for that matter.

  2. To make the transactions related to the income and expense accounts of the Association and to prepare the budget for the next period and present it to the General Assembly.

  3. To carry out activities that will enable the Association to achieve its aim.

  4. To elect those whom they see as worthy to honorary membership.

  5. To decide whether to accept or reject applicants for membership.

  6. To manage the Association and to hire the necessary personnel and to lay them off if needed.

  7. To implement the decisions taken at the General Assembly.

  8. To call the General Assembly to the meeting, to determine the agenda and the list of the members to attend the General Assembly.

  9. With the authorisation granted by the General Assembly to purchase immovable property, to sell movable and immovable property belonging to the association, to make a lease agreement, to establish pledges, mortgages or the same rights in favour of the association and to cancel them.

  10. To fulfil the duties imposed by these statutes and laws.

  11. As required by the Association's activities, Press and Public Relations, Publications, Scientific Research, meetings such as national and international symposiums, congresses etc. and trip committees can be established by and under the responsibility of the Board of Directors.


Establishment of Committees

Article 17 - As required by the Association's activities, Press and Public Relations, Publications, Scientific Research, meetings, trips and committees may be established by and under the responsibility of the Board of Directors.

These committees consist of three to nine members elected by the Board of Directors from among the members of the association.


III Supervisory Board

Article 18

  1. The Supervisory Board is elected by the General Assembly as three principal and three substitute members for three years.

  2. In case of resignation or other reasons in the membership of the supervisory board, it is obligatory to call the substitute members according to the majority of votes received in the General Assembly.

Duties and Powers of the Supervisory Board

  1. The Supervisory Board shall check whether the Association is operating in accordance with the aims stated in the charter and the topics stated to be carried out for the realisation of the aims, whether its books, accounts and records are kept in accordance with the legislation, the charter of the Association, whether the expenditures are in compliance with the legislation, the activities of the association are in accordance with the laws and the purpose of the association.

  2. The Supervisory Board performs this duty at intervals not exceeding one year and submits its report to the Board of Directors and to the General Assembly of the Association when it meets. When necessary, it shall convene the General Assembly for a meeting.


Section IV Branches

Establishment of Branches

Article 19 - The headquarters of the Association is in Ankara. It has no branches.


Section V Final Provisions

International Relations

Article 20

International relations may be established upon the proposal of the Board of Directors and the approval of the general assembly and in accordance with the relevant rules of the Associations Law No. 5253.

The aim of international relations is to become a member of scientific associations of international standing, to cooperate with them and to subscribe to their publications, which are of benefit to Turkish poultry, working in line with the objectives of the Association.

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